
I prefer concise messages, so I will try to present the ‘philosophy’ of my professional engagement with two triples.

People ⋮ Processes ⋮ Information Technology

While being a member of Information Systems Lab for almost two decades I have collected plenty of experiences in the domain.

An information system (IS) is a software system to capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, or display information, thereby supporting people, organizations, or other software systems.

Information system is more than just Information Technology since it encompasses  customers, products (and services), business processes, participants, information, and technology.

Main parts of IS
An integrated view of an information system  (Alter 2002)

I am especially interested in the interdisciplinary effects of interrelating the main ‘assets’ of IS, which are basically people, processes and information technology, which is also reflected in my logo.

Information systems are actually an interplay of people, processes and information technology

Lectures ⋮ Research ⋮ Projects

While I am employed in academia I have an obligation and opportunity to perform three different types of work: pedagogical activities, scientific research and commercial projects. My mission is to interleave these types of work by interchanging experiences and knowledge between them.

type of work triple
My work consists of an interplay of lectures, research and commercial projects

I have a well-maintained LinkedIn profile where you will find more CV-related information.