What’s inside BPMN 2.0 Specification

In recent years BPMN 2.0 became a de facto standard in business process modeling and beyond and nowadays represents one of the focal technologies which support Business Process Management (BPM) initiatives.

The in-use version of the specification, namely BPMN 2.0, was released by OMG in 2011, with some minor changes in the following years. In 2013, BPMN 2.0.1 was released as ISO/IEC 19510:2013 standard to “create a standardized bridge for the gap between the business process design and process implementation.”  

The BPMN specification by itself is a 500+ pages long document, primarily aimed for implementers and having a specific internal structure. Due to its complexity, I’ve prepared an infographic, which outlines individual chapters’ focal topics.

The structure of BPMN 2.0 specification

Do you prefer a PDF version? Here you can download it.

The Impact of the Business Process Model and Notation

On behalf of the organizers (Kathrin Figl, Roman Lukyanenko, Jan Mendling and Gregor Polančič), I also invite contributions for a Special Issue of Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) on the Impact of the Business Process Model and Notation.

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